Our setup

Investments are made with Kaptialforeningen Investin (open-ended investment fund) and kept segregated in ring-fenced fund setup. 

SRV Capital A/S provides portfolio management services, while Nykredit Portfølje Administration handles majority of operations and check compliance. Below are further an overview to allow for a better understanding of the setup and risk mitigation principles in place to ensure investor protection and compliance.

How we safeguard your investment

Kapitalforeningen Investin

Investment Fund (AIF)

by the Danish FSA


Hold assets in ring-fenced fund
Very light organisational setup with only a board of directors – all other roles outsourced to either NPA or SRV Capital A/S

Nykredit Portfølje Administration

Daily manager of the Alternative Investment Fund (FAIF)

Supervised by the Danish FSA


Fund oversight

External and independent Compliance checks
Independent monitoring of positions and key figures
Independent valuations

Daily control of limits in investment strategy

Weekly position statements

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SRV Capital A/S

Portfolio manager of the investment fund

Supervised by the Danish FSA


Trade ideas, screening and analysis
Design trade and hedging strategy
Deal execution

Daily management of market risk, credit risk, liquidity risk, and funding risk

External and independent Compliance checks